Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Is Lifestyle Imprtant?

One of my goals is to look at everywhere I spend money and ask myself if I agree with how the purveyor of the product or service conducts themselves or business. Money is about the only tool I have to cast a strong vote, and if I think your product or service is worth it, you can have my money. I’ve already written a lot about my new practices of buying primarily organic, or at least non-gmo food products, even though I still have a long way to go with every purchase I make.

Services are a little different though. We often take for granted the people we pay to fix our bodies, our cars, our TV’s etc. Typically we don’t really care what they do in their off time as long as they are good at what they do. I’m beginning to think this another way though, similar to products. I don’t’ really want to support someone that has completely different ethical practices than I do.

And this brings me to my current dilemma.. I really like my chiropractor; she’s a very nice person and has very nice staff. She appears to be very knowledgeable, although I have to take that at face value as I have nothing to judge it by, and she’s very professional and has been a good doctor to every member of my family. But, I just don’t feel right gong there anymore. My body cries when I’m there, not in true pain of course, but just in the “this isn’t right” way. And I know she has some lifestyle habits that are completely against my personal priorities, but then so does my husband and most of my family. So does this justify finding a new chiropractor?

I wonder to myself – am this going too far? Firing someone just because they do things differently than you seems rather intolerant and brings on a superiority issue. I hope that’s not what’s going on in my head, some underlying belief that everyone must be like me. But on the other hand, shouldn’t I want to support people that do have the same beliefs as I do?

I’d love to hear feedback on this, on the blog or in person, feedback either way. Just wondering if I am going a bit overboard!


  1. Very interesting thought Karen. Do you spend more time with those who think the same as you, never questioning what you believe to be good and correct or do you spend (some)time with people who may think and/or act differently? Hmmm.....

  2. That's a good question - who do I spend my time with? I guess right now most people I spend time with think differently than I on a lot of things, but obvoiusly not all parts of life or we wouldn't have anything in common. Definitely in my new life of organics and veganism I'm alone, though meeting new people.
    I definitely don't want to isolate myself with only like minded people, I need some constructive conflict and new ideas to keep me thinking and growing and deciding the right choices for myself.
    I guess this is just one of those things I'm not real sure which way to go.
