Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'm moving...

I’m moving! Well not me really, but my blog.

My Seattle Veg coach business is really taking off and I’m going to start blogging under that name to start tying things together. And I’m going to be a more active blogger. Really.
What’s going on with the business?

I’ll be doing a radio show! Details are still being worked out, and I don’t know exactly when I’ll be starting yet but should definitely be by end of summer. It could be much sooner but I’m so busy with so many projects right now I can’t get it off the ground quite yet.

The show will be an evolving format, but initially I’ll follow a theme each week, with tips and thoughts on said theme, probably have a product review, open the phone lines, maybe some recipes too. The overall theme of my business is to make veg-ism easy, so I’ll always promote that!

One goal of the new blog will be to coordinate it with the show - so I can always refer people to follow up on blog or website after the show.

I’m going to use the book World Peace Diet by Will Tuttle as the base for themes. This book outlines all the “reasons” to go vegan in a simple, straightforward way. I’m a certified WPD facilitator- which means I’ve spent time with Will and others discussing the issues surrounding eating animals and completed required homework. While there may be issues not specifically mentioned in the book, I think it’s a great starting point and discussions can carry from there.

I’m also working on more vegan cooking classes outside of the home setting. Recipe testing keeps us busy – but full and happy!

So tune into KKNW and I’ll be there soon! I’m aiming for Saturday mornings for now, I can’t really have a weekday show since I still travel for my day job so much, we’ll see.

New blog page:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Classic Mistake

Dear Bob Parsons, I'm horrified and disappointed to learn that my 5+ years of being a customer has supported your selfish sport of big game hunting. I've just initiated transfer of my 13 domain names from GoDaddy. You can bet that I won't be back and I will do my best to make sure none of my partners, associates, friends and followers don't ever buy from GoDaddy again.

Classic, unfortunate, mistake. Here for the last year I’ve been trying to support only things that I think are kind to man, animal, and environment. Did I ever dream my domain registrar would be out shooting elephants and jaguars? The same registrar I've supported for nearly 7 years? No. Never, ever occurred to me.

So I initiated transfer of my 13 domain names last night, for a small sum of course. But before I did, I realized I better check out my host and new registrar.

Does your CEO or board of directors participate in big game hunting or similar sport?

No, but we do support NASCAR and boxing.

Hah! Okay, not environment but willing to put up with it for now. But when I find I can’t do a bulk transfer I decide to look around – have you ever seen the paperwork required for just one domain name? times 13? Ugh.

I’m open to hearing the wrongness of my choice, but upon looking at Network Solutions – the original registrar that charges extreme amounts – they have good philanthropic values. I didn’t investigate as much as I should have, because as I believe – we vote with our dollars.

So lesson learned, again. Research and decide for yourself. Spend good.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Website for concert

As mentioned in last post, concert/fundraiser plans are underway!

Here is the link to the Facebook page for the event

See you there!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fundraiser and Awareness concert

A few others and myself have been busy working on a concert for later this summer that will help raise awareness of animal rights in the general public and also fundraise for several organizations.
We are now ready to go to the public for information and assistance!
Below is our Acquisition Request - please let me know if you can assist!

Acquisition Request
Seeking input for summer festival/fundraiser to raise awareness and funds for animal rights I am putting together a fundraiser-concert this summer and am seeking assistance.

I am open to any and all ideas, if you can help in any way possible please contact Karen via email or phone. karen @ seattlevegcoach. com 206-350-0896

The goal of this concert is to raise awareness of animal-rights to the general public, as well as raise funds for several animal-friendly groups. The food and products at the concert will all be animal-friendly.

Concert will be held late summer at St Edwards Park in Kenmore.

We seeking input and am open to suggestions on:·
musical groups
· sponsors
· advertising
· vendors

See you there!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Year - New Focus

It’s time I write again – and more often. I’m shifting my focus a bit though, as a result of this blog I might add. My intention when I started blogging was to look at all aspects of consumerism and to learn and try to avoid what was not right for man, animal or environment, and I still want to continue my journey into all three. But my life is focused on veganism right now.

I feel no less compassion for a suffering human friend than an animal friend. I do feel called to serve all, I want to help ease the suffering of all, but I think right now it’s easier for me to focus on helping animals.

It seems like an overwhelming task- there are so many atrocities in so many different arenas – but I’ll start where I can - by not eating or using animal products. It’s a simple way to start and anyone can do it! I had been teetering on and off the vegan diet for months, but after last months lesson at Vegetarians of Washington and learning about all the health risks of dairy I didn’t know before, well I’m off dairy for good. If you want details – ask me! It might change you forever too.

I’m really loving the vegan diet though. The last few months I have been cooking (and eating) more than ever, and it’s good food, heck – great food! I’m refocusing my consulting business into that of personal veg coach and it’s looking good! I’m also organizing a fundraiser/concert for various animal rights groups – more details to come later.

So to end a short post, the blog will be shifting a bit in the upcoming months as I refocus myself and energy. I’m looking forward to the journey, I hope you do too. Anyone want some chickens? :)